Our mission
Our mission is to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment by giving up disposable plastics and learning not to waste but to better use other more ecological and reusable materials.
Noi lo facciamo perché abbiamo cura del nostro Pianeta e vogliamo contribuire a renderlo più’ sano per noi e per il nostro futuro, vogliamo continuare a vedere cieli blu e limpidi e mari azzurri e senza plastica dove si moltiplicano le specie viventi senza alterazioni del loro habitat.
Such steps lead to a great change in thought and action. The sustainability of our daily actions are perceptibly visible in our Ecosystem, which is why we want to build with you a new way of drinking, a new world, a new sustainability that brings well-being to everyone.
Today we can implement our concept in homes, in offices, the place where we spend most of our day, in gyms, a place of well- being and entertainment, in the Ho.Re. Ca. sector, where the bad habit of using of disposable plastic or glass to contain water, and in schools, where we first want to show children a new, more sustainable way for their hydration.
We want this concept of ours to germinate in all of us and embrace us in all areas of our lives. Together we can make it happen.

Estimated average consumption for 1 person for a month

The collection and pouring of drinking water directly at the place of use, without the need for disposable containers that dirty the environment. So no transport, zero emissions.
The enrichment of water with noble minerals, useful for our well-being, save money because the water that quenches your thirst makes you better and richer.
Our water è arricchita da minerali essenziali e nobili per renderla al tempo stesso buona e utile.
La nostra tecnologia di arricchimento permette di avere acqua buona per tutte le esigenze ed al contempo utile e di supporto per il nostro stile di vita quotidiano.
Oggi possiamo dire che possiamo realizzare al momento davvero la nostra acqua, l’acqua che desideriamo e che va bene per ciascuno di noi a seconda se siamo dei sedentari, degli sportivi oppure se abbiamo dei deficit di idratazione o vitaminici. Insomma da oggi l’acqua si disegna su ognuno di noi come fosse un abito sartoriale.

Magnesium is an essential macroelement that the body needs for its well-being, but is unable to synthesize it. Most of the magnesium is concentrated in the bones (50-60%) while in smaller quantities it is concentrated in the soft tissues (39%), while a small quantity is in the blood (1%).
Magnesium is a macroelement, one of the minerals present in the body in higher quantities. Usually between 20 and 28 grams are present in an adult, of which 50-60% is concentrated in the bones, 39% in the soft tissues and only 1% in the blood.
Magnesium is useful for the synthesis of proteins, the functioning of the nerves, muscle contraction as well as the control of blood sugar and blood pressure. This macrelement is widely contained in rocks and therefore also in some types of mineral waters. Magnesium, once absorbed by our body through hydration, is deposited mainly in the bones (60%).

Zinc is an essential micro-nutrient for health, it contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Contributes to the defense against infections and the wound healing process. Furthermore, zinc is involved in maintaining healthy skin, correct eye function and hormonal processes. One of the main benefits of zinc concerns skin health, as it promotes wound healing, helping the formation of new tissues and the repair of damaged cells. Furthermore, it is involved in the regulation of the sebaceous glands, helping to prevent dermatological problems such as acne.
Meeting the daily requirement of this mineral contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Its presence is essential for the correct functioning of the immune system, contributing to the production and activity of defensive cells (NK Natural Killer Cells).

Most of the potassium present in the body is found inside the cells, because the quantity circulating in the blood must be constantly maintained within a narrow normal range; the passage from blood to cells (and vice versa) is therefore continuously regulated and corrected according to the need of the moment.
If the level becomes excessive or lower than normal, serious consequences may occur; a significant alteration in concentration can, for example, cause the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias.

Reducing or alkaline water is a particular type of water, characterized by a pH higher than 7.0. The alkaline water par excellence is ionized water, which helps the body metabolize nutrients and expel toxins more effectively. Thanks to its predominantly alkalizing electrolytes such as calcium, potassium silicate, magnesium and bicarbonate, alkaline water should exert a very powerful antioxidant function.
Water with a negative ORP provides a certain reserve of free electrons useful for blocking the oxidation of body tissues by oxygen free radicals. In other words it is an antioxidant; and an antioxidant even more powerful than any food or supplement, thanks to the exceptional quantity of electrons it contains, all ready to be released. It acts quickly and is capable of reaching all the tissues of the body in a very short time. The effects of drinking reduced water are immediate.