The story of the sperm whale


The Siso Sperm Whale was a 10-metre young male who got his caudal fin entangled in an illegal net off the coast of the Aeolian Islands in the summer of 2017. Despite the intense efforts of the Coast Guard men, who partially freed him from the net, the Sperm Whale unfortunately died after a slow and painful agony.

His body was transported by the currents to the coasts of Capo Milazzo, where the young biologist Carmelo Isgrò, under the aegis of the Fauna Museum of the University of Messina, he stripped about 10 tons of meat, completely immersed in the putrid water in which the Sperm Whale was semi-submerged, with the aim of recovering the bones. During this operation, he extracted a lot of plastic from the cetacean’s belly, including a black gardening pot and several bags ingested while the animal was alive.

Just the day after the recovery, due to a serious road accident with the scooter, Francesco, one of the friends who had helped the biologist in the operations, tragically died. The latter thus decided, in honor of his lost friend, to baptize the Sperm Whale with the nickname with which Francesco was affectionately called by his friends, namely “Siso”.

The “MuMa Museo del Mare Milazzo” is a spiritual journey to rediscover the harmony between man and sea through science and art. It deals with environmental protection and education, with a message aimed at raising awareness, especially among young people, of the protection and safeguarding of the sea.

Acqua Esclusiva fully embraces the Siso project, as it is consistent with its idea of safeguarding water and seas and marine biodiversity. Like Acqua Esclusiva, Dr. Carmelo Isgrò has well understood the importance of water as a commodity, and the foundation of using it in a different and more efficient way, avoiding wasting it by abandoning all the unhealthy behaviors that lead to its dispersion and pollution. For this reason Acqua Esclusiva turns its attention to raising the awareness of people, who perhaps unconsciously and with customary behavior, daily put into practice non-eco-sustainable conduct, which causes lasting damage to the Environment and the Planet. Learning not to disperse further plastic in the ecosystem, understanding the importance of adopting healthy behaviors can, from each individual, lead to a great common result, the protection of our planet.